“We Love Him, Because He First Loved Us”

1 John-4:19

"From the Pastor"

Red Sunday was initiated by Pastor Emeritus Winn liked Elliot's red suit. When I think about Pastor Winn's excitement as he initiated this traditon, I cannot help but think of the excitement I get when I think about the red blood of Jesus Christ saves; how each day we wake up, we are afforded the opportunity to share the love and story of Jesus; how we get to show Jesus in us wherever we go. As we share in the form of Christian camaraderie let us continue to remember the reason for the joy of our salvation. Let us remember who is, and what was done to pay the cost of our, Salvation. Be blessed, Pastor Barber.

When you bow remember: Steven James, James and Kathy Goodloe, DeMitra Goodloe, Diani, Ajani, and Akanbi Akigbogun, Claudie Evens and family, Carrie Dent, Brenda Goodloe and family, Ruthie Goodloe, Shelly Grissom, Caleb Grissom, Deacon and Deaconess Hicks and family, Pamela Brownsmith, Nicole Hicks, Brenda Chapman, Kathryn Hubbard, Tracy Walton, Derek Jones, Breanna Palmer and family, Jason Bolden, Sheena Mitchell, Jade Vinson, Pastor Keith, Latricia, Durrell, Alaija, Amerious Barber, Danielle Fleischer and family, Marc Alford, Kiara Sessions and family, and Anna Tomtania and family.